Sanitas 2012

Scenography by Video Mapping for the Sanitas convention in January 2012. All set design was produced by Video Mapping. Various performances and television contests completed the event. We leave you a summary video.
Scenography by Video Mapping for the Sanitas convention in January 2012. All set design was produced by Video Mapping. Various performances and television contests completed the event. We leave you a summary video.
On this occasion for this Citröen Convention we created various stage backgrounds for the different moments of the convention and musical performances and choreographies that were developed. It included the Mapping Projection on a car that went on stage at a…
Projection on different rigid parts for the Telefónica 48 hrs convention. The pieces were distributed around the scene and hung in the upper part of the stage. The projections were made through 4 dedicated projectors for the scenography.
In July 2010, the exhibition “La Capsula del Tiempo” was inaugurated in the Community of Madrid. For this exhibition we developed various interactive applications. In the different rooms it was possible to enjoy applications of Stereoscopic Augmented Reality, 3D Projections,…
On the occasion of the Centenary of the Gran Vía street in Madrid, we carried out on May 15, a projection on the facade of the Telefónica building, of course on Gran Vía de Madrid. The production, in charge of…
Last February, we produced a video mapping for the stage of the annual convention of Johnson & Johnson Medical, an event organized by the Bahía Tuna agency. We created 9 different scenarios, with their corresponding transitions, as well as various…