Category Computer Graphics


Recreation of a burial in the Neolithic by video mapping for the Museo Arqueologico Regional de Madrid and, currently, in the Museo de León. The projection was made on a simple figure and collects the process of putrefaction of the…


In March of 2018, we installed in ‘El Hormiguero 3.0’ an interactive videogame in a big way customized especially for the program. The actor Ricardo Gómez and Pablo Motos compete in ‘El Volcán’ to see who burns less.

Concurso Ben 10 challenge

En Julio de 2017, Turner y La Competencia TV nos confiaron la programación de una serie de 4 juegos interactivos sobre 2 grandes pantallas de LED en pared y suelo. Se programaron 4 juegos diferentes para el programa Ben 10…

San Isidro Museum

Yesterday, the new rooms of the San Isidro Museum The origins of Madrid were inaugurated with incredible digital and immersive contents, videomapping, gestural interaction, immersion in the Neolithic of Madrid… A great work of months that our mayor Carmena and…

Royal Bliss Presentation

At the request of Redlink and Bungalow25 we developed an interactive application on water screen and a Hologram for the presentation of the new Royal Bliss tonic. Hologram: The new Royal Bliss tonic bottle is transformed by digital holographic effects,…